
Android Libraries

AcronymAvatar stars issues Library to show avatars with acronyms
Input Mask stars issues User input masking library repo
State Delegator stars issues Collection of classes that helps you to manage a screen state
Flipper stars issues Flipper is a simple and useful tool to deal with feature toggles
PINkman stars issues PINkman is a library to help implementing an authentication by a PIN code in a secure manner.
redmadrobot-android-ktx stars issues Missing Android KTX extensions in addition to AndroidX KTX
MapMemory stars issues Simple in-memory cache conception built on Map
ItemsAdapter stars issues The simple adapter to render static data in RecyclerView
Gradle Infrastructure stars issues Set of small plugins to reduce boilerplate in Gradle build scripts

iOS Libraries

Apexy stars issues The library for organizing a network layer in your awesome project
Catbird stars issues Mock server for UI tests
GoldenKey stars issues Security library
DAO stars issues An implementation of DAO pattern for CoreData and Realm.
Input Mask stars issues User input masking library repo
FloatingTextInput stars issues Floating TextField and TextView

CI/CD plugins

danger-jira_issue_links stars issues Danger plugin
fastlane-plugin-jira_release_notes stars issues Fastlane Plugin for Jira Release Notes
fastlane-plugin-gmail stars issues Fastlane Plugin for Gmail
fastlane-plugin-imessage stars issues Fastlane Plugin for iMessage

Developer tools

figma-export stars issues Command line utility to export colors, icons and images from Figma to Xcode / Android Studio project